New Delhi: 'Prem' star Sanjay Kapoor has celebrated his 32nd anniversary in Bollywood on Thursday by reminiscing about his first film in the industry. Tabu and Sanjay Kapoor appeared together in Prem, Kapoor's first film. While the film was released in 1995, Sanjay had begun filming the movie in 1990.

Photographs of him and his co-star Tabu were featured in the post, which also explained how the cast and crew filmed the first schedule of the film in 1990, but were only able to return three years later to shoot the second schedule.

Throughout the caption of the post, he expresses how difficult it was for him to wait so long, but he managed to maintain his patience. 

Sanjay wrote, “27 years of Prem, May 5, 1995. This first picture was taken way back in 1990; our first schedule of 40 days at Seth studios. Had to wait for 3 years for the next schedule in 1993. The wait was extremely tough but I waited patiently. People called me the oldest newcomer, I laughed it out. When the going gets tough the tough get going. Stayed positive and after 32 years I am still doing what I love doing the most to be in front of the camera!”

Sanjay was recently seen on Netflix with Madhuri Dixit in 'The Fame Game', and his daughter Shanaya Kapoor is expected to follow in his footsteps and make her Bollywood debut.

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