New Delhi: Sameera Reddy or Messy Mama, as her Instagram bio reads, is known for promoting body positivity, self-love and is loved for showing her real self on social media. She never shies away from showing her grey hair or double chin or flabs, making her one of the real people on social media. 

Recently, she recalled the time when she was working in the industry and was suggested breast surgery. "I think there was a crazy phase about 10 years ago where everybody was getting plastic surgery, boob job, change nose or bone structure. I had to always pad my chest and was told to get a boob job done. Many times, I would think, 'Should I? Is this the norm?' because it was so openly spoken about and as an actor I questioned if I had to do it. But I didn't and I am so grateful to God I didn't because today I wouldn't have been comfortable about it," she was quoted as saying by Mid-Day. 

She also spoke to Mid-Day about her self-acceptance journey. “I think it began when I didn't have anybody who was guiding me though one of my major breakdowns, which happened postpartum. I remember slipping into a very bad, dark space about my body, my career, about being perceived as successful or how fast I could bounce back after motherhood and I cracked. I actually hid inside the house and I didn't talk to anybody,” she told Mid-Day. 

"So when I kind of pulled myself out which almost took me two-three years, I think my first aim was I need to at least let one person who is struggling out there to know that they are not alone. That they can get past it and that it is normal, and that's where the journey began. It began with wanting to be there for somebody who didn't have anybody,” she added. 

Sameera is a mother of two children, a son named Hans and a daughter called Nyra. She is very popular on Instagram with 1.6 million followers.