A widely circulated image on social media features Salman Khan the premiere of his niece Alizeh Agnihotri's debut film, 'Farrey,' held on a Wednesday night. But, what actuallly caught the audience's attention were his worn-out shoes. In the image, it can be seen that Salman is seated on a bench with his 'Tiger-3' co-star, Katrina Kaif, and another woman. While he sports a black polo shirt and crisp black pants, his choice of footwear draws attention—an old pair of black leather shoes exhibiting visible signs of wear and tear. The leather appears to be chipping off from the front, and there is even a noticeable large hole on one of the shoes.

Interestingly, it seems Salman may have switched his shoes at some point during the screening becasue, when he had initially walked the red carpet, his shoes presented a newer appearance.

The picture has also ben shared by a paparazzi on his Instagram account and netizens weren quick to make their comments on the picture. One of them said, "I think it's a new style same as jeans one.", while another one said, "It may be a old. Gift from katrina... So. He would've. Weared it to show her"

A third user took to the comments section and said, "Arey he wore it for a style and you all considered him as a down to earth person. Wow, so nowadays everyone is humble cuz we all wear ripped jeans. So, tomorrow this torn and faded shoes will be launched in market as street-fashion"

The premiere drew the presence of various celebrities, including Salman, Katrina, Gauri Khan, Kiara Advani, Suniel Shetty, and others. 'Farrey' has garnered positive reviews from critics and is set to hit theaters on Friday. Directed by Soumendra Padhi, known for his work on 'Jamtara,' the film has generated anticipation and acclaim ahead of its theatrical release.