Internet is buzzing with the news of the two biggest superstars of Bollywood Shah Rukh and Salman Khan shooting together for ‘Pathan’ in which the former is in leading role. The duo began shooting for the same in Mumbai on Thursday and some pictures too of them from sets is going viral on social media.
Meanwhile, there’s a report that Salman Khan performed puja at YRF before meeting Shah Rukh!
According to a report published in TOI, Salman Khan who is all set to begin shooting for ‘Tiger 3’ alongside Katrina Kaif from next month performed the customary puja at YRF that happens before every film goes on the floors.
Since both Salman and Katrina were present at YRF on Thursday the puja took place yesterday itself with the lead actors taking part in it.
Interestingly, Emraan Hashmi who plays the villain and Maneesh Sharma who will direct Tiger 3 were also seen in attendance, the report adds.
An eyewitness revealed the portal, “Salman had come at YRF Studios to shoot for 'Pathan' with Shah Rukh Khan yesterday. YRF which is producing both 'Pathan' and 'Tiger 3' felt that they could do the puja for 'Tiger 3' if Katrina and Emraan were available. The calls were made and both Katrina and Emraan were at the YRF Studio on time."
Reportedly, Katrina too met Shah Rukh after the puja.
Earlier this month, Salman on set of Bigg Boss 14 had revealed his line-up of films, including ‘Pathan’ ‘Tiger 3’ and ‘Kabhi Eid Kabhi Diwali’.
Salman and Shah Rukh have been making cameos in each-other’s films since a long time and audience just loves the two superstars’ camaraderie on-screen.