Bollywood actor Rajat Rawail best known for his role of Tsunami Singh in Salman Khan's 'Bodyguard' was hospitalised due to excessive blood loss after the rupture of a varicose vein in his right leg. As per a report in The Times of India, Rajat was admitted to a hospital in Mumbai over the weekend. However, the actor said that the bleeding has stopped now and his wound is getting better. 

The actor, who was admitted to a Mumbai hospital over the weekend, told ETimes, 'As of now the bleeding has stopped from the ruptured vein in my leg. My wound is healing'. He further added, 'I have been advised total bed rest with no visitors.' "Thank you for all the concern and please keep me in your prayers," he concluded.

What is Varicose Vein?

Varicose veins is a condition in which the blood vessels take the impure blood from the legs to the heart. It therefore increases the pressure in the veins of the lower body. On the work front, Rajat Rawail was last seen in Coolie No. 1 which was released in 2020.

Apart from this, the actor has also worked in several other movies including Judwaa 2 (2017), Policegiri (2013), Bodyguard (2011), and Ready (2011) among others. He has also produced many films including 'Ready', 'No Problem' and others. 

The actor and producer has also been a participant in Salman Khan hosted reality show 'Bigg Boss' season 7. 

We wish Rajat a speedy recovery!