One of the most awited films of the recent times, 'RRR' starring Jr NTR, Ram Charan and Alia Bhatt was scheduled to release on Januaray 7,2022 in theatres but owing to the spike in Omnicron variant cases of Covid 19, the magnum opus directed by SS Rajamouli have been pushed for further delay.

Reportedly the makers have spent Rs 20 crores on the promotions of the film, including a Rs. 2-3 crore budget for transporting fans of Ramcharan and NTR Jr, the two leading men of RRR, to promotional events outside Andhra.

According to a Bollywood Hungama report, sources from Hyderabad divulge that Rajamouli was “super-adamant” this time about the release. “And he had the backing of everyone who counted in the project, from the producers to the actors. But when the situation got worse, Rajamouli had to back down.”

The report further adds that ,“Rajamouli is aware that his two leading men in RRR have a minimal fan following outside Andhra. For the media/marketing events in Mumbai and other cities outside, Andhra fans were flown and put up in luxury hotels. All they had to do was applaud, cheer and whistle for their demi-gods in exchange of the hospitality.”

According to reports, Rajamouli and his team met the distributors of Andhra Pradesh and finalized 30 percent cut in the theatrical deals because of the low ticket pricing in the state which means it would cut down close to Rs 50 crores from the film’s profits. 

The makers of the Ram Charan and Jr NTR starrer RRR deferred the release of the film owing to the rise of COVID-19 cases in the country. 
In an official statement, the team wrote, "Inspite of our relentless efforts, some situations are beyond our control. As many Indian states are closing theaters, we are left with no choice but to ask you to hold on to your excitement. We promised to bring back The Glory of Indian Cinema, and at the right time, WE WILL."