New Delhi: The MTV Roadies Journey to South Africa, hosted by actor and philanthropist Sonu Sood, has come to a close. The adventurous and difficult season of Roadies announced Nandini and Ashish Bhatia as the season's ‘ultimate winner’. With the prize money of Rs 10 lakhs, the couple was also given a variety of gift hampers.
The spectacular climax of the adventure reality programme was placed at Cape Town's historic Victoria & Alfred Waterfront (V&A). In order to win the trophy, Ashish and Nandini had to battle against Yukti Arora-Jaswanth Bopanna as well as Kevin Almasifar-Moose Jattana.
Kevin and Moose finished second place, followed by Yukti and Jaswan as the first runner-ups.
Roadies' most recent season began with 20 candidates. With all of the action taking place in South Africa's harsh terrain for the first time ever, this season was destined to be memorable from the start. Daredevilry was on full display during this thrilling voyage. One of the show's newer features, the "Buddy Pairs" notion of pairing new participants with previous Roadie winners. Ten past Roadies participants were matched with ten new contenders, which was an instant success with fans.
The producers enlisted Sonu Sood to step into Rannvijay's shoes. The 18th season started filming in April of this year. On Voot, you can watch the whole MTV Roadies Journey in South Africa.
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