New Delhi: Seems like Ridhi Dogra is all set to conquer the year with her back-to-back releases. The actress has recently set the internet on fire with a flood of love and praising comments from the audience for her appearance in ‘Pitchers Season 2’. Now bringing us yet another reason to shower love on her, the actress dropped the motion poster of her upcoming film ‘Lakadbaggha’ and left everyone talking about it in no time.
As the actress dropped the character motion poster of her upcoming film 'Lakadbaggha', it introduced us to her character in the film named Akshara D’Souza while the whistling background score left us all thinking about what she will be bringing us into the film.
Taking to her social media, the actress shared the first look introducing her fans to her character Akshara D’Souza in the caption writing -
"Akshara D’Souza - Dedicated, Devoted, Sleuth. @iridhidogra
#Lakadbaggha Trailer Out January 3rd.
Action Begins January 13th, 2023 at a Theatre near you."
Moreover, as the poster brings along Ridhi as a devoted cop, it made her fans rush into the comment section to drop their praising comments and express their eagerness about the release.
According to Ridhi, ‘Lakadbaggha’ is a special film which has thrilling action sequences and a strong message. She said, “Akshara, my character is the grey, between the worlds of the protagonist and the antagonist. It is obviously special as it is my big screen debut. And I can't wait for the world to watch it in January 2023."
The film has its International Premiere at the HBO South Asian International Film Festival New York On December 28. Kecha Khamphakdee, the man behind the stunt sequences in Ong-Bak, has directed the action for the film.
Having a look at her exciting 2023 lineups, ‘Lakadbaggha’ will be released on 13th January 2023. Apart from that, on the work front, Ridhi Dogra will also be seen in, much awaited ‘Asur 2’, ‘Jawan’ with Shahrukh Khan and ‘Tiger 3’ alongside Salman Khan.