New Delhi: Legendary actor Dilip Kumar passed away at the age of 98, just short of a century, after being hospitalised for the second time in the same month. But the actor left behind a legacy of films which are being cherished for generations now. Bollywood’s tragedy king popularity has transcended boundaries with a large fan following. There are several iconic movies in which the actor through his impeccable acting skills has left his viewers speechless and emotional. Known for his method acting, the legendary actor had several popular awards not just in India but globally.
Here is the list of some of his award winning movies that left the sudience enthralled
Jugnu: After his first film, Jwar Bhata released in 1944 went unnoticed Jugnu became his first major box- office hit. The musical romance directed by Shaukat Hussain Rizvi went on to become one of the legends. The actor tasted his first success through this film which has a typical script of those days, where he was paired opposite Noorjehan. He gave several hits after that including Mela (1948), Andaz (1949), Deedar (1951).
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Daag: Dilip Kumar won the first Filmfare Award for Best Actor for his role in the 1952 film 'Daag'. The actor has won the Best Actor award a record eight times, a feat he shares with Shah Rukh Khan. He is best known for films like 'Devdas' (1955) and 'Kala Pani' (1958). His role in Devdas as the depressed alcoholic has been etched into our memories. Kumar rose to popularity as the ‘Tragedy King’ of Bollywood, but it had a profound impact on him and based on the advice of his psychiatrist, Kumar started taking up comedy roles.
Mughal-e-Azam: The historical film Mughal-e-Azam released in 1960 went on to become the all-time hits movie ever produced in India. Dilip Kumar essayed the role of Salim in the movie which remained a blockbuster movie to become the second highest grossing film in the history of Bollywood.
Ram Aur Shyam: The actor won a Filmfare for his double role in a 1967 Indian comedy-drama film directed by Tapi Chanakya. Dilip Kumar played the role of twins separated at birth along with actors Waheeda Rehman, Mumtaz, Nirupa Roy and Pran. It was a major hit.
Azaad: The 1955 action comedy film produced also went on to become the top grossing film in the year, and one of the biggest Hindi film hits in the decade. Dilip Kumar won his third Filmfare Award for Best Actor for his work in this movie.
Naya Daur: In the 1957, a romantic drama film directed and produced by B. R. Chopra, in which Dilip Kumar played the role of Shankar earned him the Filmfare Award for Best Actor for the third time in a row. In the movie two best friends fall for the same woman, Rajni essayed by Vyjayanthimala.
Kohinoor: Made in 1960, Kohinoor was a different film which offered a wholesome entertainment and remained the third highest grossing film of the year after Mughal-e-Azam and Barsaat Ki Raat. The tragedy king and queen of Bollywood in that timeless era were together but in altogether a different character. In the movie, Dilip Kumar essayed the role of Rajkumar Dhivendra, the prince of Kailash Nagar kingdom.
Shakti: For the first time thespian Dilip Kumar and Amitabh Bachchan acted together on screen in this movie. Considered as one of the greatest hits of Bollywood, Kumar played the role of a retired Commissioner of Police Ashwini Kumar which earned him another Filmfare award for that year.
These are several movies of the legendary actor which will remain in our hearts and will be enjoyed for years to come offering a window into the most fascinating phase of Bollywood to budding actors in the industry.