New Delhi: Ranveer Singh and Bear Grylls embarked on an incredible journey into the wilderness together in the show, 'Ranveer Vs Wild With Bear Grylls'. The internet was thrilled by Ranveer’s boundless energy and daring antics, however one particular scene in the episode was criticized by people, and he was trolled as a consequence.

The viral video clip that has captured the attention of users shows Ranveer repeatedly kissing the cheeks of Bear Grylls, who seems to be quite unimpressed by the encounter. 

Bear Grylls' reaction in the video is clear confirmation that he was not pleased. As Ranveer kissed him repeatedly, he seemed confused.

People probably did not guess that Ranveer could get as pumped up as he does in a clip going viral from Ranveer Vs. Wild with Bear Grylls. While everyone is aware that Ranveer has a colourful and vibrant personality, they also know that Ranveer can be overly enthusiastic at times. 

Check out some of the reactions on Twitter:

In the show, Ranveer and Bear faced several challenges, such as facing difficult terrain and travelling into a Siberian forest while being followed by a bear. They also rappelled down a mountain. 

Produced by Banijay Asia in partnership with The Natural Studios, 'Ranveer Vs Wild With Bear Grylls' premiered on Netflix on July 8 as India's first interactive adventure show.

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