New Delhi: Ranbir Kapoor belongs to one of the first families in Bollywood. Ranbir is currently promoting his upcoming film 'Shamshera' along with Vaani Kapoor. In one such promo interaction for 'Shamshera' , Ranbir shared that education has never been a stronghold of the Kapoor family. Ranbir also shared that his family threw a party when he passed with below-average marks in his 10th grade.

Ranbir's well-known Kapoor family has had veterans and legends like Prithviraj Kapoor, Raj Kapoor and Rishi Kapoor. Ranbir revealed that he was in fact the first boy in his family to pass the 10th grade exams. 

In a promo video for Shamshera, Ranbir had a chat with Instagram influencer Dolly Singh aka Raju ki mummy who asked him if he chose science or math as a subject after his 10th exams to which Ranbir replied that he took accounts. 

When Raju ki mummy asked if Ranbir was weak in his studies, Ranbir shared, "Bahot Kamjor tha (I was very weak).” He shared that he scored 53.4% in his 10th grade. “When my results came, my family was so happy that they kept a huge party for me. They had no expectations. I am the first boy in my family who passed his 10th exams," Ranbir added.

Long back in an interview with PTI in 2017, Ranbir shared that he was the most educated of all his family members. “My family’s history isn’t that good. My father failed in 8th grade, my uncle in 9th, and my grandfather in the 6th grade. I am actually the most educated member of my family.” After finishing school, Ranbir took professional acting/filmmaking classes abroad before making his Bollywood debut in 2007.