Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are now officially married. The star couple exchanged wedding vows at Ranbir's Vastu residence in Pali Hill area of Mumbai on Thursday, April 14, 2022. The intimate wedding was done in the presence of family members and close friends. Ranbir & Alia who has been in a relationship for over 5 years, took the plunge in a traditional Punjabi wedding ceremony.
During, their first public appearance post wedding, after posing for the cameras, Ranbir Kapoor lifted his dulhaniya Alia in his arms and took her back inside the house.
Meanwhile, we got our hands on an inside video from the wedding from the varmala ceremony where Ranbir literally kneeled in front of Alia. Watch below:
While the groomsmen lifted Ranbir high up as Alia struggled to put the garland around his neck, when Ranbir sat down for his ladylove and surrendering to her. After exchanging garlands, Ranbir kissed his ladylove.
After the wedding, the newly married couple cut three tier cake and also raised a toast to new beginnings as husband and wife.
While the ceremony took place indoors, Ranbir and Alia's team distributed sweet boxes to members of the media who had assembled outside the gated complex of Vastu residence.