New Delhi: Ram Charan and his wife Upasana returned from their recent Maldives vacation on Wednesday. The 'RRR' star and his wife Upasana are currently expecting their first child. The couple recently hosted a baby shower in Dubai that was attended by their family and a select group of close friends. Later, the soon-to-be parents took a quick getaway to the Maldives before Ram Charan returns to his demanding work schedule.
On arriving at the Hyderabad airport after their vacation, their pet dog 'Rhyme' greeted him and rushed over to meet him. A video, showing this adorable reunion is doing the rounds on the internet and fans find it really "cute".
In the video, it can be seen that as 'Rhyme' rushed towards the couple, Ram Charan picked him up and kissed him.
Netizens took to the comments section and poured in their views. One of them wrote, "Wow cute", while another one said, "Young Tiger Rhyme".
Often there are photos shared on social media showing Ram Charan's bond with 'Rhyme'
Apart from this, while they were on their vacation, Ram Charan shared a few pictures to give his fans a glimpse of his trip. Sharing the pictures on Instagram, he captioned it by adding a blue heart emoji.
Meanwhile, after the tremendous success of 'RRR', Ram Charan will be next seen in 'Game Changer', which is being helmed by S Shankar. The film features Ram Charan in a double role.