New Delhi: Parineeti Chopra and Raghav Chadha, who have been making headlines for a while now, got engaged on Saturday night in a private ceremony. They got engaged in the presence of family and friends at Delhi's Kapurthala House. In a viral video from their engagement, Parineeti and Raghav seem head over heels in love. A cute video that has surfaced online really caught our eye. The video's high point comes when the AAP leader embraces Parineeti and kisses her on the cheeks.

The pair danced to the Kesari theme tune ‘Ve Maahi’. Raghav warmly hugged Parineeti and kissed her on the cheek as she sang the song to her true love. 

Watch the video here:

Pawan Chopra, Parineeti's father, makes a brief appearance in the video, standing in the background as she dances and sings.

The pair both wore pastel colours for the engagement. Parineeti wore a pastel pink kurta and trousers set that was embellished with tiny pearls. Parineeti accessorised with a stunning maang tika and a pair of polki ear cuffs. On the other hand, Raghav Chadha opted for a classic look with a pink and ivory sherwani.

On Saturday night, Parineeti and Raghav took to social media to announce their good news, posting similar messages. Parineeti captioned the pictures: "Everything I prayed for...I said yes...Waaheguru ji meher karan..." 

The actor-politician couple became the talk of the town when they were spotted twice in Mumbai in March. Since then, they have been spotted together many times.  

ALSO READ: 'I Will Not Marry Any Politician Ever': Parineeti Chopra's Old Interview Goes Viral Ahead Of Engagement With Raghav Chadha