New Delhi: Dynamic producer Sandip Patel, along with director Shravan Tiwari, recently had a significant meeting with Gujarat Chief Minister Shri Bhupendra Bhai Patel at the Gujarat Vidhansabha recently. This meeting marked a crucial step in their journey towards promoting their upcoming Hindi film Two Zero One Four, a political thriller set against the backdrop of Gujarat in the year 2014.

Sandip Patel, an NRI producer hailing from Augusta, Georgia, USA, but with roots in Anand, Gujarat, has been making waves in the entertainment industry since 2018. His passion for filmmaking and his entrepreneurial spirit have led him to produce several successful Hindi films and web series. One of his notable achievements includes the production of the Hindi film 706, which received critical acclaim and was released on Netflix. Additionally, he has collaborated with renowned actors like Kay Kay Menon for an upcoming web series set to release on ZEE5.

Now, Sandip Patel is gearing up for his next cinematic venture, Two Zero One Four, which promises to be an engaging and thought-provoking political thriller. The film delves into the intricacies of political dynamics and power struggles, revolving around the story of the Gujarat Chief Minister in the year 2014. With its compelling narrative and gripping storyline, Two Zero One Four aims to captivate audiences and shed light on the political landscape of Gujarat during that period.

The meeting with Gujarat Chief Minister Shree Bhupendra Bhai Patel holds immense significance for Sandip Patel and his team. It provided them with an opportunity to discuss the film's premise, seek support from the state government, and garner valuable insights into the historical and political context depicted in the movie. Moreover, meeting with the Chief Minister also signifies the film's relevance and impact on the socio-political landscape of Gujarat.

As a dynamic producer and visionary businessman, Sandip Patel is committed to bringing meaningful stories to the forefront through his cinematic endeavours. His dedication to quality filmmaking and his ability to navigate the complexities of the entertainment industry have earned him recognition and respect within the film fraternity.

With Two Zero One Four, Sandip Patel and his team aim to not only entertain but also provoke thought and spark conversations about the political milieu of Gujarat. The meeting with Gujarat Chief Minister Shree Bhupendra Bhai Patel serves as a testament to their commitment to storytelling and their efforts to create impactful cinema. As the film progresses towards its release, audiences can expect a riveting cinematic experience that delves deep into the corridors of power and intrigue.