Veteran actor Prem Chopra and his wife Uma have been admitted to Mumbai's Lilavati Hospital after the two were tested positive for Covid on Monday. Both have received the monoclonal antibody cocktail and are responding well to the treatment, according to Dr Jalil Parkar, the noted pulmonologist, who's attending to the Chopras.

Based on how well they are recuperating, the couple are expected to be discharged in a day or two. Prem Chopra's wife Uma is a fashion designer. She is the younger sister of the late Raj Kapoor's wife, the late Krishna Kapoor. Prem Chopra Uma tied the knot in 1969.

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In the recent past, a number of Bollywood celebrities have shared the news of their being diagnosed with Covid-19. Earlier on Monday, John Abraham, who tested positive along with his wife Priya Runchal, took to Instagram to inform his followers about his health condition.

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Other celebrities who have tested positive include Ekta Kapoor, Mrunal Thakur, Nora Fatehi, veteran filmmaker Rahul Rawail, and Rhea Kapoor and her husband Karan Boolani.

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