New Delhi: Actor Alia Bhatt made her Met Gala debut wearing a Prabal Gurung ball gown. She looked splendid in an ivory silk tulle and satin face organza exaggerated basque waist ball gown with hand-beaded pearls. 

After walking the red carpet with Alia, the designer shared the details about the actor’s debut and how he met her during Karan Johar’s 40th birthday. 

In a long post, Gurung said he first met the actor at the 40th birthday bash of filmmaker Karan Johar in Mumbai. 

"I had heard rave reviews about her through him and my brother Pravesh, who was assisting Karan in her debut film. I was immediately taken by her when I met her. A petite ingenue whose simmering fire within her was palpable to all of us. 

"One film after another, she has surpassed anyone's expectations and thrilled us with her creative genius. She's a powerhouse performer. To me, she is one of the finest actors we have right now globally, but above all, she's a friend, a good friend, and a loyal one; that’s what makes her extremely special," he wrote, sharing his photos with the actor along with the post. 

Gurung said he and Bhatt talked about "a Met moment" on several occasions, but she wanted to wait for the right opportunity. 

“We’ve talked about a Met moment for a long time. I have invited her before, but she’s always been wise enough to say let’s wait. This time however, she felt it was the right moment, so she said yes and off we went to our wildest imaginations along with Anaita to create a homage to Karl that celebrated her heritage (100,000 pearls hand embroidered in Mumbai), my love for Karl ( he is my master, and yes he did give me my CVFF award 😊) and all made in New York,” he wrote. 

Fashion stylist Anaita Shroff Adajania was behind creating Alia's look for the event. 

According to Gurung, Bhatt's dress was inspired by German model Claudia Schiffer's 1992 Chanel bridal look. 

“For me, Chanel couture brides have been the most iconic brides in fashion. So we chose Claudia Schiffer's 1992 Chanel bridal look as an inspiration . And the rest is history,” he wrote. 

⁠ "Alia, forever grateful we will have this for posterity. Thank you for the beautiful memory. Been a fan of your talent for the longest time and of your generous, kind soul and heart; a grateful friend," the designer said. 

In her Instagram post on Tuesday, Bhatt said she wanted to wear something that felt authentic and was "proudly made in India". 

"The embroidery, made with 100,000 pearls, is a labour of love by @prabalgurung. I’m so proud to wear you for my first Met," she had posted. 

This year, the gala paid tribute to the legendary German designer Karl Lagerfeld, who died in 2019 at 85. The theme was “Karl Lagerfeld: A Line of Beauty," and the dress code was “in honour of Karl”.