Pooja Hegde, the well-known actress of South Cinema, got her big break in Bollywood opposite veteran actor Hrithik Roshan. She took an entry in Hindi films from the period drama film 'Mohenjo Daro', which was directed by famous director of the industry, Ashutosh Gowariker. It was a dream debut for Pooja as she got the golden chance to work opposite Hrithik Roshan in this film. Pooja Hegde's debut was nothing short of a dream.
But unfortunately the film failed to do anything special at the box office. After years, now the actress has talked about how the failure of her debut film affected her. She has now revealed that it was heartbreaking for her.
After the film 'Mohenjo Daro', Pooja Hegde became completely focused on her South Indian movie projects. However, after some time she once again made a comeback through 'Housefull 4'. During a conversation with Mid Day, Pooja revealed that she took this break from Bollywood deliberately.
"An actor’s first film is their showreel to the world. I was under contract, so I hadn’t signed another film during the period. Its failure was heartbreaking. Eventually, South films came along, and work attracted more work. I held off signing Hindi films because I needed a sturdy second movie. I built on the success of Housefull 4, and here I am,” Pooja told Mid-Day in an interview.
Meanwhile, actors Akhil Akkineni and Pooja Hegde have released the teaser of their upcoming film 'Most Eligible Bachelor' on Dussehra 2020. The film will be released in January 2021. The film, directed by Bhaskar, was to be released in April 2020, but due to the global outbreak of coronavirus, its release date was extended.
The teaser begins with Akhil's character Harsh, asking others about their hopes of married life. He gets many unsatisfactory answers, because he is looking for something 'wild'. Fans are impressed by the romantic conversation between Akhil and Pooja Hegde in the teaser.
Sharing the teaser on social media, Pooja wrote: Presenting you the fun-filled romantic Entertainer #MostEligibleBachelor