Ahmedabad: Former Bigg Boss contestant and actress Payal Rohatgi was arrested by the Ahmedabad Police on Friday morning over an argument with the members of the society in her building in the city. The police arrested the ‘Bigg Boss 2’ contestant and took her to the Satellite Police Station in Ahmedabad. Payal has been allegedly accused of abuse during the building's society meeting.

The dispute between Payal and the society people went on for a long time. The actress’ father bought a house 4-5 years back. It has been formed into a society recently.

Payal has been accused of reaching society’s AGM on June 20 despite not being a member of the society, Payal reached the society's AGM on June 20. When she was not allowed to speak, Payal Rohatgi allegedly abused and quarrelled in the meeting there.

According to the complaint filed by the society, Payal has fought many times in the past as well. She has also been allegedly accused of threatening to kill the chairman.

The whole incident took place at Sundarvan Epitome society in Ahmedabad.

Payal Rohatgi’s husband Sangram Singh has boarded a flight and is currently on his way to Ahmedabad from Mumbai. He will reach there shortly and leave for the Police Station where his wife is kept after being arrested.

Sangram, while talking exclusively to ABP News, said that the society had an objection to Payal making any kind of video inside the house and in the premises of the building. They used to repeatedly stop and interrupt her from doing so.

According to Sangram, apart from this, the society was demanding Rs 5 lakh from Payal's family as development charge and this was also a major issue of dispute between the society and his wife.

Sangram further said that the police arrested Payal Rohatgi without any summon at 9.00 am today and also abused and assaulted her in the police station.

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