New Delhi: It’s exactly 5 months to go for Shah Rukh Khan’s film ‘Pathaan’ and the makers have dropped the first look of John Abraham as the villain.
Yash Raj Films shared the first look on their social media account with the caption that read, "@thejohnabraham is ready to get the fire started in #Pathaan 🔥 Celebrate #Pathaan with #YRF50 only at a big screen near you on 25th January, 2023. Releasing in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu."
The makers have kept every announcement under wraps, surprising people with it, first, Shah Rukh Khan’s look, then a glimpse of Deepika Padukone, and now by presenting John Abraham in a super slick avatar. ‘Pathaan’ is riding on tremendous buzz and anticipation and YRF and director Siddharth Anand are strategically working towards keeping the momentum up by revealing these key assets at regular intervals.
Siddharth says, “Every announcement of Pathaan is like revealing a piece of an epic puzzle, in front of the curious eyes of the fans and audiences, leading right up to our release day. We aspire for every asset of Pathaan to be a big talking point mainly because, we, fortunately, have the content to create that buzz.”
About his decision to cast John as the villain, Sid says, “John Abraham is THE antagonist, THE villain of Pathaan. And I have always believed in the fact that the villain’s projection should be as big, if not bigger than that of the hero. Only when the villain is massive, can the tussle between them be spectacular. And we have an extraordinary battle when SRK takes on John! We wanted to present John in a super slick avatar.”
The director says the first looks are teasing people into the world of Pathaan! He says, “The first looks of SRK, Deepika Padukone and now John, truly represent the zone we want the audiences to view the film in. People have now just got a taste of the world of Pathaan. This truly is just the tip of the iceberg and I can assure you that nothing can prepare you for the action spectacle that is coming your way.”
Pathaan is set to release on Jan 25, 2023, in Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu.