New Delhi: Actor Parineeti Chopra and AAP MP Raghav Chadha got engaged on May 13 in an intimate ceremony in Delhi. The actor has returned to Mumbai, but the photos and videos of the ceremony are still doing the rounds on the internet. The latest video that has surfaced online shows Parineeti speaking to the guests and asking her family – the ‘Chopras’ and Raghav’s family – the ‘Chadhas’ if they are happy with their union. 

In the video, Parineeti and Raghav are on the stage, Parineeti says in Hindi, “Ye log merko kabse bol rahe hain, ‘ek ladka dhund le yaar’. Hun theek hai? (These people, for the longest time, have been telling me to find a guy for myself. Now is it fine?”  

As we hear a loud cheer, Parineeti tells Raghav, “You are approved, those are all the Chopras.” The actor then asks Raghav’s side of the family if they approve of her. Se asks, “Now Chadhas, do you approve?” Her question is followed by a louder cheer and Raghav then tells her, “Chadhas are louder.”  

Parineeti then asks her family to be loufer, “Hey Chopras yaar…” 

This is followed by a song by Punjabi singer Mika Singh and the couple grooves to the music. 

Parineeti and Raghav's engagement was an intimate ceremony held at the Kapurthala House. While Parineeti wore a custom-made ivory blush pearl ensemble by Manish Malhotra, Raghav wore achkan designed by fashion designer Pawan Sachdeva.  

The engagement was attended by Priyanka Chopra, who flew down for a day to attend the engagement, Manish Malhotra and politicians including Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, former finance minister P Chidambaram and Shiv Sena leader Aditya Thackeray.   

On Monday, the couple shared a common gratitude note on social media. They wrote, "Raghav and I are overwhelmed with the love and abundance of positivity we have received over the past few weeks, especially on our engagement. We both come from different worlds and it's amazing to know that our worlds also unite with our union. We have gained a bigger family than we could have ever imagined. We are so touched by everything we have read/seen, and we cannot thank you all enough. A special shout-out to our amazing friends in the media. Thank you for being there throughout the day and cheering for us."