New Delhi: Recently, actor Paresh Rawal discussed the lowest point in his life, when his mother went into a coma and remained there for 12 days. While his sick mother was on life support, he was filming in Sri Lanka. In an episode of Neelesh Misra's ‘The Slow Interview’ series, Paresh reflected on how powerless he felt when a doctor informed him his mother could not survive.

The loss of Paresh Rawal's mother profoundly altered the actor's outlook on life. The actor recalled, “I have earned what I had to. I was working hard for my family. What gives me the right to take what is theirs? And sometimes you definitely know, your days are numbered. Some people can’t do anything about their condition; they’re in a vegetative state.”

He went on to describe his mother's coma: "When my mum fell down, she was in a coma for 12 days. The doctor who treated her was a good friend. I asked him what we should do. He told me, ‘Paresh, she’s on life support. Even if she wakes up, she will not recognise anybody. She’s old, she might not survive the surgery. Her brain has been injured. By waiting, you’re not extending her life, you’re prolonging her death. Pull the plug. This is practical, these are the facts.’”

Paresh elaborated by saying that his mother didn't put them in a situation where they would have to make the decision to end life support. Paresh Rawal's mother passed away on June 23, 2010, after a heart attack.

On the work front, Rawal's next film appearance is in ‘The Storyteller’, directed by Anant Mahadevan. Also, in the upcoming film ‘Hera Pheri 3’, Paresh Rawal will play the role of Babu Bhaiya once again. According to reports, Suniel Shetty and Kartik Aaryan would both be participating in the franchise.