New Delhi: Streaming giant Netflix on Thursday announced the release date of its upcoming series ‘Killer Soup’ starring Manoj Bajpayee and Konkona Sen Sharma. The series, directed by Abhishek Chaubey of 'Udta Punjab' and 'Sonchiriya' fame, will release on Netflix on January 11. 

According to makers, the comedy crime-drama is loosely inspired by a news headline and serves up a "tantalising blend of intrigue and dark humour". 

It follows Swathi Shetty (Konkana), an aspiring yet talentless home chef, who cooks up a bizarre plan to replace her husband, Prabhakar (Bajpayee), with her lover, Umesh (also played by Bajpayee). 

But when a bumbling local inspector and amateur villains stir the pot, things don’t go as planned and a recipe for chaos ensues. 

Chaubey, who also serves as a co-writer and showrunner on the series, said in a statement, “With ‘Killer Soup,’ we wanted to give the audience permission to laugh and also be totally shocked with a crime thriller that blends in humour and quirkiness. It is a pot-boiler sent completely over the top with an exceptional cast including Manoj Bajpayee, Konkona Sensharma, Nasser, Sayaji Shinde and Lal. Through this series, I wanted to serve up something exceptional with Netflix and it has been a creatively fulfilling experience with them.” 

The show was announced in 2022 and was previously titled 'Soup'. 

Tanya Bami, director of series at Netflix India, said she is thrilled to kickstart 2024 with a series like 'Killer Soup'. 

“The love and recognition our series have received in 2023 has been overwhelming and encouraging. In 2024 we want to ensure audiences continue to find their best stories on Netflix. Abhishek Chaubey’s ‘Killer Soup’ is a great way for us to start the new year. It’s a genre audiences love, a crime thriller, like no other. Crazy, quirky and bizarre. Told to perfection by Abhishek and team and performed to excellence by streaming favourites, Manoj and Konkona. We can’t wait to take our audience on another memorable journey in 2024,” she said in a statement. 

The series is produced by Honey Trehan and Chetana Kowshik.