Baby Reindeer Real-Life Martha Interview: Netflix's latest psychological thriller, ‘Baby Reindeer,’ has captivated audiences with its disturbing portrayal of stalking. The series is based on the real-life story of the show’s creator and actor Richard Gadd who was stalked by a woman for over four years. The series follows a struggling comedian and bartender Donny Dunn (played by Richard Gadd) who is stalked by a woman named Martha (played by Jessica Gunning). Fiona Harvey, the real-life Martha, in an interview with Piers Morgan, claimed that the events in the series are "completely untrue" and "defamatory.” She also denied doing things that were shown in the series including sending numerous emails, attacking someone, and stalking. 

"Baby Reindeer is misogynistic"

When asked if she had seen the Netflix series, Fiona said, “Not at all.” She also shared that she is not interested in watching it and called the series “misogynistic.” 

“No, I think I’d be sick. It’s taken over enough of my life. I find it quite obscene. I find it horrifying, misogynistic. Some of the death threats have been really terrible online. People phoning me up. You know, it’s been absolutely horrendous. I wouldn’t give credence to something like that and it’s not really my kind of drama,” Fiona told Piers Morgan. 

"Richard Gadd didn't offer me tea"

When Piers asked if it was true that Gadd had offered her a complimentary cup of tea upon her arrival at the bar where he worked, she responded, "No, that's not correct. He didn't extend a cup of tea to me. I had a huge appetite and was looking forward to a dinner and a glass of lemonade. I'm starving because I have diabetes. That is accurate, then.” 

"And did you have a conversation with him?" inquired Piers. 

"Oh, you're Scottish, he remarked, effectively taking over the conversation. You know, I had a conversation with someone. It is reasonably wealthy. Break off. Thus, it appeared that he became fixated on me right away." 

"Didn't send 41000 emails"

As per the series and Richard, over the period of four years, the woman, sent him 41,071 emails, 350 hours of voicemails, 744 tweets, 46 Facebook messages, and 106 pages of letters. She also gave him gifts, including a reindeer toy, sleeping pills, and boxer shorts.     

When Morgan asked her about the same, Fiona denied it and said, “That’s simply not true. If somebody was sending somebody 41,000 emails or something, they’d be doing how many a day? Lots. I don’t think I sent him anything… No, I think there may have been a couple of emails exchanged, but that was it. Just jokey banter emails.” 

When enquired further, she shared that she had sent ten emails to Richard. 

Richard Gadd is "epitome of misogyny"

When asked if she had fallen foe Richard, she said, "Piers. Is it a legitimate query? No... I dismissed him with a wave. One day, he asked me to sleep with him, a large green patch on his face. I apologized, but I'm not interested. I was requested to share his bed. "Would I like my curtains fixed?" he asked. That's a euphemism, he continued, as I chuckled. Do you want me to accompany you home? I said, "I have a boyfriend." I believe I gave him a really rough time—quite quietly, actually. Ultimately, though, I don't like tiny boys who don't have employment. That sounds very bad. That seems really cold-blooded. However." 

"I believe he has done a damned good job of discrediting me. He is profiting off fabrications. He has always been the epitome of misogyny.” 

Also Read: Baby Reindeer: Everything About True Story Behind The Netflix Series Everyone Is Talking About