Director Onir's long-awaited film, 'Pinecone', gears up for a prestigious showcase at the 38th edition of the BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival. Recognised as one of the globe's foremost and enduring queer film events within the LGBTQIA+ community, the festival recently revealed its lineup, encompassing a rich tapestry of global perspectives, including Onir's 'Pinecone'.

The film emerges as a cinematic milestone for India, weaving a semi-autobiographical narrative that delves into the evolution of love over time, set against the backdrop of pivotal moments in the nation's gay rights movement. Garnering accolades such as the Rainbow Stories award at The Indian Film Festival of Melbourne and an Honorable Mention for Best Feature at the International South Asian Film Festival Canada, 'Pinecone' is making waves on the international stage.

In addition, 'Pinecone' is lauded as a trailblazing piece of cinema, challenging traditional norms and underlining that the essence and vision behind a film reign supreme, irrespective of budget constraints. It serves as an exemplar of independent filmmaking and a resolute statement for LGBTQ+ representation within the industry.

Expressing his thoughts on the film's inclusion, Director Onir stated, "I am thrilled and honored to have Pinecone selected for the 38th BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival. This film is a labor of love, and I am immensely proud of the journey it has taken from its inception to this moment. Pinecone is more than just a film; it's a testament to the power of storytelling and the importance of LGBTQ+ narratives in cinema. I hope it serves as an inspiration to aspiring filmmakers and continues to push the boundaries of queer cinema. I am looking forward to be in london for the screening"

The forthcoming screening of 'Pinecone' at the 38th BFI Flare: London LGBTQIA+ Film Festival signifies yet another milestone in the film's trajectory, cementing its status as a poignant and indispensable addition to the diverse landscape of queer cinema.