New Delhi: Preeti Simoes and Neeti Simoes' upcoming project starring Tamannaah Bhatia in the role of a cop has been making the headlines. The shooting for the show is underway and there's a latest addition to the star cast which has made the lineup more exciting. Earlier this month, there was news about actor-comedian Sunil Grover doing the web show opposite Tamannah Bhatia as the main antagonist. However, as per a leading media publication, it is confirmed that it is not Sunil Grover but Abhishek Bannerjee, who has been finalized to play the antagonist in the show.
Abhishek Bannerjee rose to fame after his brilliant performance as the grey character in Anushka Sharma's ‘Paatal Lok’. He earned accolades for his performance with Rajkummar Rao in ‘Stree’ as well.
Not much has been revealed about the title of the project but the shoot of the same has already begun. The web show is shot in Delhi and the genre of the web series is thriller and would be aired on Disney+ Hotstar. The producers this time will be collaborating with actress Tamannaah Bhatia for the first time. One would expect the duo Preeti and Neeti Simoes, who have made their mark in the Comedy Genre, to bring forward Abhishek’s Comedy talent post ‘Stree’, but this is one of the most challenging roles for Abhishek.
Preeti and Neeti have been one of the most popular names in the non-fiction genre. They are known for bringing out entertaining shows like 'The Kapil Sharma Show', 'Comedy Circus', 'Gangs Ka Hasseypur', 'Kanpur Waale Khuranas' amongst others for the audience. The duo this time is working on something new and very different. The Disney+ hotstar web show would mark their debut in the web world as producers.
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