Actress Nisha Rawal's character of 'Masum' in the show 'Meet' has managed to stir a sense of excitement amongst the audience.

She revealed how she is enjoying learning how to portray the nuances of an insecure woman, who has had a lot to deal with in her life and feels that there's much more to her character than what meets the eye. Being able to relate to 'Masum', Nisha is all the more pleased to be essaying the role.

Speaking about her character, Nisha says: "The last show I did 8 years back was with Shashi Sumeet Productions and my comeback on TV as an actor is also happening with the same production house. That makes 'Meet' even more special. I must mention that it has always been a wonderful experience working with them and I think that's why in my journey so far, they have had a major role to play. Also, the character that I am playing is an antagonist, but I wouldn't say that 'Masum' is a dreadful personality."

The show presents the story of 'Meet' (Ashi Singh), who mirrors several women across the nation that are fighting societal norms of gender roles regarding work and responsibilities.

Nisha throws more light on her character, saying: "I think every person deals with their ups and downs in different ways and that's why they react in certain ways in certain scenarios. 'Masum' is one such person who has had her share of insecurities and that keeps acting as a catalyst to making her appear as the villain. Of course, there are shades to every character, and I feel getting to play a role like this is quite amazing."

'Meet' airs on Zee TV.