In a shocking turn of events, actress Nikita Rawal was held at gunpoint and robbed of Rs 7 lakh by men wearing masks. She was in Shastri Nagar, Delhi at her aunt’s residence and when the robbery took place, her aunt wasn't at home and she was all alone. A police complaint has been filed and investigation is underway.

Nikita was in Delhi for a shoot. Recalling the incident, she said that she can't get the trauma out of her head now. She further added that she got so dreaded that the men would rape her.

While sharing the harrowing incident,  Nikita told Pinkvilla, “I still can’t get out of this trauma and can’t believe that I’m alive. I would have died if I didn’t fight it. I literally locked myself in the wardrobe to save myself ..I was home alone. My aunt was also not there. It’s the most traumatic incident of my life.”

Following the incident, Nikita took the first flight back home in Mumbai. Giving more details about the incident, she  told Hindustan Times, “It was around 10 at night when the incident took place. I was walking to my aunt’s house when an Innova came on a high speed and stopped my vehicle, and then four masked men came out of the car. They showed me a gun and asked me to give them everything that I was carrying with me. Even talking about the incident is troubling me right now.”

Nikita Rawal was robbed off her rings, watch, earring, diamond pendant, and cash, including some part of the advance from her event, with total value approximating over ₹7 lakh.

Nikita Rawal had recently hit the headlines, when she reacted to Raj Kundra’s arrest. She had also mentioned that Shilpa Shetty had been dragged into the case, for no fault of hers.

On work front, Nikita who started her showbiz journey in 2007 has worked in films such as Mr Hot Mr Kool, The Hero Abhimanyu and Amma Ki Boli. She was also seen in Black & White with Anil Kapoor and Shefali Shah. She has also worked in Tollywood since 2012. She will be seen next in a lead role in Roti Kapda and Romance alongside Arshad Warsi and Chunky Pandey.