New Delhi: Actress Priyanka Chopra is currently promoting her upcoming OTT show, ‘Citadel’ in Rome. The actress looked beautiful as always in a green gown for the promotional event's red carpet, but all eyes were on her husband Nick Jonas actions. Photos and videos of Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas during the Rome premiere of Citadel have been widely shared online. One video, however, showing Nick Jonas's calmly standing in a corner and snapping pictures of his famous wifey without telling her, has gone viral.
Fans are so enamoured with his behaviour that they referred to him as "best husband." A video of PeeCee posing for the paparazzi on the red carpet is getting a lot of attention, not only because the actress is stunning but Nick Jonas is in the background taking pictures of her. Check out the video:
Priyanka also shared photos of her "Roman holiday" on Instagram. Priyanka poses on a balcony in Rome in the first few photographs, flaunting the green dress she wore to the premiere. Nick Jonas joins her for several mushy shots.
Talking about the series, 'Citadel' will premiere exclusively on Prime Video on Friday, April 28, with two episodes, followed by a new episode released weekly every Friday through May 26. The show stars Richard and Priyanka in the lead roles. The action-packed show revolves around two elite agents Mason Kane (Richard) and Nadia Sinh (Priyanka) of the global spy agency Citadel.