Bengali film actress and Trinamool Congress MP Nusrat Jahan gave birth to her first child, a healthy baby boy at a private hospital in Kolkata on August 26. Bengali actor and Nusrat’s rumoured boyfriend Yash Dasgupta confirmed the good news sharing that both the mother and her baby are doing fine.

Meanwhile, new mom Nusrat has refused to divulge the name of her baby’s father, the actress has named her new-born son Ishan and has decided to raise him as a single mother. Nusrat’s decision of not disclosing her baby father’s name is being hailed by many single mothers in Kolkata.

On a related note, Nusrat’s estranged husband Nikhil Jain has also reacted to the good news. In a conversation with a news portal, Nikhil said 'My differences with her would not stop me from wishing well for the newborn. I wish her well. May the baby be super healthy and have a prosperous future.'

Earlier, Nikhil Jain had shared a cryptic post on Instagram shortly after Nusrat gave birth to the baby. Nikhil wrote, “Play the wheel of Dharma, get your beat of Karma. And after all turns, you will see, Karma is the only Dharma.” The businessman also shared three pictures of himself along with the quote.

On the other hand, social media is at a buzz that actor Yash Dasgupta is Nusrat’s newborn’s son father as he was also present at the hospital for child’s birth and was the first one to confirm the news in media.