The Mumbai Police have registered a case against Vibhu Agrawal, the CEO of film production company Ullu Digital Pvt Ltd for allegedly sexually harassing a woman. Along with Agrawal, the company's country head Anjali Raina has also been booked.

A tweet from ANI mentioned that Mumbai Police has registered the case under Section 354 of IPC in Mumbai. The tweet reads as: “ Police have registered a case against Vibhu Agarwal, the CEO of film production company Ullu Digital Pvt Ltd for allegedly sexually harassing a woman, under Section 354 of IPC in Mumbai. Anjali Raina, the company's country head has also been booked: Mumbai Police”

Ullu has been in the news for producing obscene and adult content.

Earlier, while speaking to ETimes in May this year, Vibhu Agarwal had expressed changing the perception from risque to family content.

He said, "With ULLU 2.0 about 60 percent of our content has shifted towards making family shows and it is not regulation but we needed to change the perception of our platform. We also have a family and people do look at you differently when you speak about ULLU, which we want to change. It is also not about whether the actor agrees to do an intimate scene or no, as we only have new faces and if one actor refuses there are four others waiting in line to replace him."