After a Gurudwara ceremony, Yuvraj Singh and Hazel Keech have renewed their vows in a romantic beach wedding in Goa. The couple just had their pheras in a sunset ritual yesterday. This was following a grand cocktail and mehendi in Chandigarh and a Sikh wedding ceremony.

Yuvraj and Hazel on their mehendi ceremony

WEDDING PICS: Yuvraj Singh and Hazel Keech get MARRIED at Fatehgarh Sahib; FIRST PICS!

Joining Yuvi on his grand day was India Test captain Virat Kohli, who was accompanied by his girlfriend and Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma. Also present at the wedding was Indian opener Rohit Sharma.

Among other celebs, Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma too are among the guest list of the wedding and the cocktail party.

Yuvraj Singh and Hazel Keech’s wedding: UNSEEN Pictures from Sangeet Ceremony! SEE PICS INSIDE!

CHECK OUT some of the pictures from the couple's goa wedding shared by family and friends:

May god bless the good looking couple!