Mumbai: Producer Ekta Kapoor says no one but Ayushmann Khurrana could've pulled off a film like "Dream Girl" as the actor bets on scripts and doesn't go chasing names or numbers. In her upcoming production, Ayushmann will feature as a man who works as a female telecaller, Pooja, and flirts with customers. "When I heard the script, I thought you need only one actor who can do these kinds of voice modulations, who will work that hard. I didn't even know Ayushmann well but I was so sure, because I felt, that the man bets on scripts," Ekta told reporters.

"He will not see how big the director is, his resume, or the number of films he's done. He will read the script... it takes a lot to be a woman and a really talented man to play a woman," she said at the trailer launch of "Dream Girl".

Watch video below: 

‘Dream Girl’ my most fearless performance: Ayushmann Khurrana

The producer said the Raaj Shaandilyaa directed comedy isn't about "sexual calling."

"It's about making other people feel good. We live in a world where people make us feel small all the time. Boss, husband, your family, without knowing gaslight you so much...
"Sometimes telling your problem to a stranger or hearing them is healing. Why don't we take a minute and relax? It can make so much of a difference," she added.

[Ayushmann also gave a live demo of imitating a girl's (Pooja) voice at the event. Watch below:]

Also starting Nushrat Bharucha, Manjot Singh, Annu Kapoor among others, "Dream Girl" is scheduled to release on September 13.