Mumbai: Bollywood actress Yami Gautam surprised the fans by announcing her wedding on social media. The ‘Kaabil’ actress tied the knot with her ‘Uri: The Surgical Strike’ director in an intimate ceremony on Friday (June 4). The Pahadi beauty, who got married in the presence of her family members and close friends, shared an adorable photo from her marriage ceremony.
Yami can be seen beaming with joy while looking at her husband Aditya in the heartwarming snap. She captioned her post as, “In your light, I learn to love- Rumi. With the blessings of our family, we have tied the knot in an intimate wedding ceremony today. Being very private people, we celebrated this joyous occasion with our immediate family. As we embark on the journey of love and friendship, we seek all your blessings and good wishes. Love, Yami and Aditya.”
Also READ: Yami Gautam Gets Married To 'Uri' Director Aditya Dhar, Shares FIRST Wedding Photo
Several tinsel town celebs including Varun Dhawan, Jacqueline Fernandez, Dia Mirza, Angad Bedi, Kartik Aaryan dropped comments on the post and wished the newly married couple. Varun wrote, "Congratulations yami and Aditya. sending you all the positivity" while Jacqueline commented, "Awwwwwwwww congrats yamiiiiiiiii!!! So happy for you!!!!
Kriti Sanon posted, "Congratulations both of you!! you guys look like LOVE!" while Vikrant Massey wrote, "Bahut bahut bahut badhaaiyaan Yami ji and Bhai sahab. Incredible. God bless you both!!!! Dher saara pyaar!!!"
Vicky Kaushal, who worked with Yami and Aditya in 'Uri: The Surgical Strike', wished the couple by sharing a post on his Instagram stories. The 'Raazi' star shared a photo from Yami-Aditya's wedding along with the caption, "My heart is full of happiness. Congratulations you. I love you guys a."
How Yami Gautam’s Sister Wished Her On Instagram?
Surilie Gautam penned a heartfelt post on Instagram to wish her sister on her wedding. She wrote, "Two very special people, one special day. On this beautiful occasion I wish you flowers of love. You have chosen the best partner who will always keep you happy and smiling."
Fans have flooded the comments section with their messages. Check out her post!
On the professional front, Yami has a couple of exciting projects in her kitty including 'A Thursday', 'Dasvi' and Bhoot Police'.
Watch this space for more updates!