New Delhi: Rani Mukerji is all set to make her comeback in Bollywood! According to BollywoodLife, Rani has signed for her next, an untitled film helmed by ‘We Are Family’ director Siddharth P Malhotra. This film will mark Rani Mukerji’s return two years after Pradeep Sarkar’s ‘Mardaani’. The report quoted a source saying, “Rani plays the central lead in Siddharth’s film. Like Mardaani, this one too will deal with a strong social issue.
He narrated the script to Adi first and then Rani. They both loved it and Adi will produce the film. Siddharth, Adi and Rani have been meeting and working out the project regarding dates and other stuff.” The source added, “Since her baby – Adira’s birth, Rani has become a full-time, hands-on mother, completely immersed in caring for her child, but in December, Adira will be a year old and the actress will find time to work by then. It took time to convince her to act again, but Adi heard the script and felt it would be perfect for her, after Mardaani.”
The source also added that once everything gets finalized, the film will come out only in the middle or end of next year.
Is that really true as her spokesperson also confirmed that the actress will definitely be doing a film next year and she is currently reading scripts.