We earlier revealed to you how Director Zoya Akhtar wanted to rope in Hrithik Roshan alongside Ranveer Singh for her next film. Instead, Zoya has now decided to sign Fawad Khan for the film. If latest reports are to be believed then the name of Jennifer Winget has been doing the rounds for the role opposite Fawad Khan in the untitled film.
As per an entertainment portal, Zoya Khan is considering Jennifer Winget as the female lead. The actress might romance hearththrob Fawad Khan on-screen.
Also: Zoya Akhtar Picks Fawad Khan over Hrithik Roshan for her next!
Fawad Khan's role was appreciated in his last film 'Kapoor and Sons'. The actor already has a huge fan following and film directors are doing everything to sign him on the dotted lines whereas Jennifer is still to make her mark in Bollywood. She is in Kunal Kohli's 'Phir Se.'