New Delhi: The couple who was last seen together hosting Power Couple on Sony Television, Malaika Arora Khan and Arbaz Khan are trying to reconcile over their relation again. On the occasion of Eid the whole family was seen celebrating the festival together. The couple however separated and was considered to be taking break from each other in March.


A picture posted by Arpita Khan is no less than being an evidence of it, both Malaika and Arbaaz Khan are in the same frame. In the picture, we can see Arbaaz, Sohail, Malaika, Seema Khan (wife of Sohail) along with Arpita and Alvira and their respective husbands.

Earlier a report in Mumbai Mirror stated that they are reconciling as the couple were seen in a restaurant dining in the private bistro with their son. They came around 10pm and sat there for an hour.


In March the actress said to DNA in a report, “Yes, it’s true that we are separated, but where our lives go and what transpires between us, it is for us to decide. Wherever it goes from here, we will talk about it when we are ready to.”


So, let’s hope all is well between the couple.