Dhaka : Actress Priyanka Chopra, who is also the global UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador for Child Rights, on Tuesday urged her fans and followers to care for and support the Rohingya refugees.

Priyanka, who is on a field visit in Dhaka, on Monday visited Cox's Bazaar, one of the largest refugee camps in the world, and shared photographs with Rohingya children on Instagram.

"In the second half of 2017, the world saw horrific images of ethnic cleansing from the Rakhine State of Myanmar (Burma). This violence drove nearly 700,000 Rohingya across the border into Bangladesh - 60 per cent are children! Many months later they are still highly vulnerable, living in overcrowded camps with no idea when or where they will ever belong...even worse, when they will get their next meal," Priyanka wrote.

"And as they finally start to settle and feel a sense of safety, monsoon season looms...threatening to destroy all that they have built so far. This is an entire generation of children that have no future in sight," she added.

Priyanka, who had met Syrian refugee children in Jordan last year, says children are at the "forefront of this humanitarian crisis, and they desperately need our help".
"The world needs to care. We need to care. These kids are our future," she wrote.