While speaking at 'The Indian Futurescape', the actor was asked if he would like to expand his horizons and do Hollywood films like actors Irrfan Khan, Priyanka Chopra and Deepika Padukone have done in the recent past.
Aamir said he was not keen on pursuing a career in the west and also revealed he was offered Hollywood movies in the past but he did not like the scripts.
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"Working in the west doesn't interest me particularly. what interests me is a good film. It should be a film that touches my heart and I feel I can perform in. Where the film is made is irrelevant. There have been number of offers to me from Hollywood but I did not like the scripts."
The "3 Idiots" star also said doing international projects will not give him the same joy, which he gets when his work is received well by the Indian audience.
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"Why i don't feel like doing that (work in the west) is because I feel I have an emotional connection with my audience, with the people of this country. It is a relationship that we have built over 27 years, something that I value a lot. I don't want to leave my audience behind.
"I will not be happy doing that. These are my people, we belong to each other. If I go to some other place and strange people react to my movie I may not feel the same. Emotionally, I would rather work here, if there is an offer from America, China or Japan which excites me I will do it.