2018 has been the year of weddings in Bollywood with the likes of Sonam Kapoor, Neha Dhupia and Milind Soman tying the knot. It’s quite difficult to keep your calm with the speculations regarding Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s wedding, right? It is already out in the media that DeepVeer will tie the knot in Lake Como in Italy, but ‘when will they get hitched?’, is the biggest question on everyone’s mind. As per the latest buzz, the two ‘Padmaavat’ actors will get married on November 12.
A report in an entertainment portal suggested that Deepika and Ranveer will take nuptial vows in an exclusive property in Lake Camo on November 12.
Personalized invites will be sent to selected guests, the report in Bollywood Hungama said. The two actors are said to email a list of certain Dos and Don’ts to the guests as so as to ensure their privacy, the report added.
The two ‘Bajirao Mastani’ co-stars are said to have asked their guests to not bring their cell phones to the wedding venue as they don’t want the pictures or videos to get leaked.
Interestingly, Lake Como is known for its scenic beauty and is home to celebrities like Elton John and Madona. Speculations are also rife that the two Hollywood celebrities might be part of the guest list.
Also Read- Here's how Ranveer Singh-Deepika Padukone's pre-wedding rituals will start!
Deepika and Ranveer are rumoured to have a traditional Sindhi wedding with all the rituals like Saanth, where the groom friends and family members tear his clothes.
The two lovebirds have remained tight-lipped about their wedding. Deepika chose to dodge the question at a recent event in Delhi, while Ranveer gave a hilarious response to comedian Tanmay Bhat when he asked him about the marriage.
Watch: Deepika's REACTION on Wedding question with Ranveer at FICCI event!
Considering how big & fat Indian weddings are , we just can’t wait to see DeepVeer walk down the aisle.
Watch this space for more updates!