Mumbai: Superstar Shah Rukh Khan, whose film "Raees" clashed with actor Hrithik Roshan's "Kaabil" at the box office on Wednesday, says he hoped that they could have avoided the overlap of releases.
"Hrithik wish could have avoided overlap of releases. That love to you and Yami Gautam, dad and Sanjay Gupta. 'Kaabil' will be awesome," Shah Rukh tweeted on Wednesday.
Shah Rukh's tweet came after Hrithik shared a special message for the "Dilwale" star saying that as a mentor he is sure that Shah Rukh's film will inspire him.
"Dear SRK today as a mentor, I'm sure you will inspire me yet again with 'Raaes' and as a student I hope you are proud of me with 'Kaabil'," Hrithik tweeted.
"Raees" is set against the backdrop of prohibition in Gujarat. The film touches upon the way the alcohol industry crumbled and several illegal activities followed.
In Rahul Dholakia's directorial, Shah Rukh essays the title role of Raees, a bootlegger. It also marks Pakistani actress Mahira Khan's foray into Bollywood.
"Kaabil", meanwhile, is a love story of a blind couple. The film shows what sets the man on a revenge spree against the villains essayed by Rohit and Ronit Roy.