Bollywood actor Ranveer Singh and Anushka Sharma had a sizzling chemistry in 'Band Baaja Baraat'. Ranveer dated Anushka for a brief period before calling it quits. Now Ranveer is dating Bollywood hottie Deepika and Anushka is in love with ace cricketer Virat Kohli. Post their seperation, both Ranveer and Anushka have stayed good friends.

Recently, Ranveer shared a video on Instagram where Anushka can be seen caressing Ranveer's cheeks.

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Ranveer, who has recently been signed for a popular shampoo brand, was seen shooting a commercial with Anushka, who is already associated with the brand. The actor took to Instagram recently and shared a video of the two, shot in Boomerang mode, where Anushka can be seen patting Ranveer's cheek lovingly. What made this video hilarious was, Ranveer's caption, which read as: "Hayye kitna susheel ladka hai ! @anushkasharma"

The two worked together in 'Dil Dhadhakne Do'.

Also: EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Anushka talks about the romantic moods of Ranveer