Our desi girl Priyanka Chopra and her vedishi munda Nick Jonas broke the internet on Saturday, when pictures from their traditional roka ceremony which took place at the actress' Mumbai residence surfaced on social media. Both Priyanka and Nick along with their family members were dressed in Indian attires as they solemnize their relationship in a traditional manner.

Priyanka and Nick with his parents during the Roka ceremony

Priyanka and Nick's roka on Saturday noon was as private as we expected it to be with only close family members blessing the duo. Later in the evening an engagement bash was hosted for some close pals of the actress from the Bollywood film fraternity including Alia Bhatt, Anusha Dandekar and Sanjay Leela Bhansali.

Priyanka Chopra-Nick Jonas engagement party pics: Alia Bhatt, Parineeti Chopra, Nita Ambani & others make PeeCee’s bash a starry affair

Priyanka's mom and soon-to-be mother-in-law(left) posing in saris at the engagement bash in the evening

Priyanka's singer fiancée shared photos and videos from the party where his soon-to-be wife is dancing like there's a no tomorrow!
In one of the clip, the American singer can be seen recording selfie video while Priyanka dances on the dance floor with her good friend VJ Anusha. Check out below:

Nick also shared a beautiful pic of his and fiancee posing with his parents.

pic credit: Instagram