Amitabh Bachchan's grand daughter Navya Nanda recently got graduated from her London school Seven Oaks and the teenage sensation is now off for a holiday. Navya shared a video from the chopper she was flying in, this morning.

She also shared a picture where she's seen relaxing at pool side with only her feet showing in the picture. The text on the picture read "Do Not Disturb".

Her holiday destination in not known yet though!

[caption id="attachment_63256" align="alignnone" width="577"]
Navya captioned it "chillin"[/caption]

Navya left Heathrow Airport, London last night. She posted the below picture.

Navya and SRK's son Aryan Khan have together completed their schooling from London this month. The two were also seen chilling with friends on dinner post graduation[SEE PICS].

h So BOLD! Navya Nanda with Aryan Khan on last day of school, flaunts D*CK written on her chest! MORE PICS!

While Navya has gone on a vacation, we wonder what Aryan is upto.

SRK got back 2 days ago with family[SEE PICS] after Aryan's graduation while he stayed back.