Bollywood actor Govinda swept away everyone with his dancing abilites. From 'Kisi Disco Mei Jaye' to other hit songs, the actor has always set a benchmark in dancing. But what happens when Mama Govinda is asked to match steps with 'Bhanji' (Niece) Ragini Khanna?

Recently,Govinda’s niece Ragini Khanna posted some super cool videos of  her dancing with Mamu Govinda on the song ‘What is Mobile Number?’ Both shook a leg at a party and were a treat to be watched.

Check out these videos  below:

She posted these videos on her Instagram account and captioned it, ''The King of swag #iconic #famjam''.

Ragini's dance steps reminded us of Karishma Kapoor. While Govinda was as great as he was in 'Haseena Maan Jayegi'.