The "Khiladi" star on Wednesday tweeted a video, in which he says: "Hello everyone, at the moment I am in good-old Lucknow and behind me is the Gomti river.
HOTTIE who played lead in Akshay Kumar’s film FLAUNTS her new hairstyle with a FUNNY face; Can you Guess ?
I am super happy about how women of this country are creating history with their achievements.
Sonakshi as Akira
"And in a few days Sonakshi is coming with 'Akira' showing us how kick-a** women of India can really be. So guys don't forget September 2 and one advice -- never underestimate the power of an extremely pissed off woman, specially when she's 'Akira'."
VIDEO: Watch Akshay hurting Sonakshi’s eye while rehearsing for ‘Fusion Tour’ in America
The 48-year-old star captioned the video: "Heard she's mastered the art of kicking in this one. Looking forward to see Sonakshi Sinha in and as 'Akira'," Akshay, who had starred with Sonakshi in "Holiday: A Soldier Is Never Off Duty", tweeted.
Sonakshi, who is the daughter of veteran actor Shatrughan Sinha, is in the middle of promoting "Akira", in which she will be seen indulging in stunts.
Presented by Fox Star Studios, "Akira", releasing on September 2, is directed by A.R. Murugadoss, who had previously directed Sonakshi in "Holiday...".