New Delhi: Power couple Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli shared a powerful video message for their fans and spoke about the importance of self-isolation and the immediate need to stay indoors to stop the spread of Coronavirus. Virushka, as fondly called by fans, urged the netizens to remain at home to fight the pandemic.

Virat Kolhi said, “We know that we are all going through a very difficult time’, while Anushka reminded everyone saying “And the only way to stop the Coronavirus spread is by acting together.”

The Indian cricket team captain further said, “We are staying at home for our safety and everyone else’s too,” to which Anushka added, “You should do it too to prevent the further spread of the virus.”

Virat and Anushka stressed on the importance of self-quarantine in their video message. “Let’s make it safe for us and everyone else by self-isolation. Stay home and Stay Healthy,” the celebrity couple said.

Anushka shared the video along with the caption, “Stay Home. Stay Safe. Stay Healthy.”

Virat re-tweeted the video and wrote, “The need of the hour is to absolutely respect and follow the government’s directive. Stay home. Stay safe. Stay healthy.”

PM Narendra Modi addressed the nation on Thursday (March 19) and made a fervent appeal to the citizens to observe 'Janta Curfew' On March 22 from 7am to 9pm. He urged them to voluntarily stay at home to combat the deadly virus.

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Meanwhile, the number of positive COVID-19 cases have increased to 195 in India.

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