We bring to you the airport diaries of the Bollywood celebrities and while their airport style catches attention everytime, it was different for a change this time for Sonakshi Sinha and Sidharth Malhotra. Recently spotted at Mumbai airport, both the actors at a different time did something that has made their respective pictures-video go viral. While 'Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi' actress Sonakshi encountered a street dog, 'Jabariya Jodi' actor Sidharth on the other hand rushed past the paparazzi to be able to board his flight singh he reached late.

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Let's first take a look at Sonakshi who while entering the airport casually clad in denims and a red jacket over white tee suddenly had a dog giving her company as she walked in. The dog who was on the road behind her, started to walk beside her and she looked thrilled.

The affectionate animal then made her stop for a bit and Sonakshi patted him while he wagged  his tail with love. She then sat down near him and the adorable pictures and video of the two flooded the social media pages.

Watch Sonakshi's cute moment with the street dog at Mumbai airport below: 

The hunk Sidharth Malhotra on the other hand is going viral for his not-so-normal airport spotting as he was seen running to enter the airport since he was getting late. To be able to make it on time for boarding the flight, hottie rushed past the paps who had a job at hand to click every celebrity who appears entering inside or making exit from the airport.

Embarrassed Sidharth was laughing while the paps clicked him.

Watch Sidharth Malhotra making a hasty entrance inside airport below: 

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