New Delhi: Renowned director Vidhu Vinod Chopra expressed his deep attachment to his cinematic creations during the 100-day celebration of his latest film, ‘12th Fail’. For the unversed, ‘12th Fail’, starring Vikrant Massey and Medha Shankar, emerged as a monumental success upon its release on October 27th, 2023. Praised for its compelling storytelling and stellar performances, the film has continued to captivate audiences nationwide.

The makers of ‘12th Fail’ held a special screening for film institute students to mark the film's 100-day milestone. Vikrant Massey was also present for the event.

Vidhu Vinod Chopra shared insights into his creative process during the screening event. He revealed that he meticulously crafted 139 drafts before finalising the script, underscoring his dedication to perfecting the film's narrative.

During the event, Chopra expressed a profound sentiment, stating, "I had a dream that one day if I die, I would love to die in front of the CDs and DVDs of all my films." This heartfelt declaration highlighted his enduring passion for his cinematic legacy.

Emphasising the importance of intent in filmmaking, Chopra underscored the significance of aligning creative vision with purpose. "The one thing that matters is the intention, for which you're making a film and to what extent you're achieving that intention," he remarked.

About ‘12th Fail’

‘12th Fail’, inspired by true events, resonates with audiences by depicting the challenges faced by UPSC aspirants and offering a message of resilience in the face of adversity. Its compelling subject matter has reignited faith in the power of Indian cinema to deliver impactful storytelling.

Directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, ‘12th Fail’ hit the theatres across multiple languages, including Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada, further extending its reach to diverse audiences.

The film is currently available to stream on Disney+ Hotstar.