Taimur Ali Khan and his cousin sister Inaaya Naumi Kemmu are ruling the Internet today with their pictures from their play date together in Mumbai's Bandra. Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor's munchkin was with his nanny while princess Inaaya had mom Soha Ali Khan carrying her when the four of them were clicked giving paps some of the best shots of these cuties. Reaching the spot first, Taimur was busy smiling at the cameras while nanny waited for Soha's car to arrive, an enthusiastic fan approached them suddenly and tried to click selfie.

MORE PICS: Taimur & cousin Inaaya look super-adorable together on a play-date!

The man rushes towards the duo Nanny and Taimur and positioning his mobile in front, while nanny was looking away, he  began to take the selfie with Junior Nawab. The nanny turned and was shocked while the paparazzi also shouted at the fan saying "Ae Bhai..Ae ae!!!". Nanny then tries to push away the fan and yells "chal".

As the fan turns away and goes, the very moment Soha arrives with Inaaya and the four of them then enter the building.

The otherwise very calm and patient nanny looked furious with the fan's action.

The nanny is always very protective of Taimur as she has been caring for him for a long time and she is often seen enjoying the attention her little boy gets. We have seen her smile at very few occasions too.

ALSO - IN PICS: Kareena back in Mumbai with baby Taimur sleeping in his Nanny’s arms!

And by watching this latest video we know why Kareena-Saif chose the woman to hand over their boy while they get busy in their respective projects.